The abdomen is referred to in medicine as the part of the body and the space that is between your chest and your pelvis. Any pain that originates in this area is classified as abdominal pain. You may have experienced different types of abdominal pain, some of the more common ones being stomach aches and menstrual cramps in women. Some abdominal pains can also be a sign of serious underlying conditions that should be checked out by a doctor. So, what are the common causes of abdominal pain?
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There are lots of bacteria in our digestive tracts whose only job is to break down the food the body cannot do so on its own. A common by-product of these processes is gas, and its production leads to an increase in pressure in the intestines. This increased pressure causes sharp pain as well as tightness in the abdomen, belching, and flatulence. Certain foods cause more gas than others and so you should stay away from them if this is an issue for you.
Gas in the stomach can also be caused by food intolerances where the body cannot digest certain foods. The body passes these undigested materials onto bacteria which break them down and release gas. The amount of gas produced due to food intolerances is often higher than normal, meaning it can cause much more pain and more severe symptoms than common gas.
Acid Reflux
Our stomach contains acid that is used to digest food. This acid remains in the stomach without causing any issues because this organ has its protective mechanisms. However, this acid can sometimes travel backwards through your digestive tract. Because this acid is very concentrated, it irritates all the tissue it comes into contact with.
Acid reflux can be mild and last for a few minutes to a few hours. However, it can typically last for a lot longer, necessitating the need for various medical interventions.
Persistent acid reflux leads to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Its symptoms are very similar to those of acid reflux, but they are a lot worse. Heartburn, abdominal pain, and severe nausea all accompany this condition. Long term complications such as oesophageal inflammation are a major concern. Fortunately, treatment is available and anyone who has the disease can start seeing the relief in just a few days of treatment.
A Hernia
A hernia causes pain in the lower right part of the abdomen, right where the abdomen meets the groin. A hernia happens when fatty tissue, organs or another internal part pushes and passes through a weak spot found in the muscles and tissues that surround it. The organs in the abdomen are surrounded and held in place by very strong abdominal muscles, not forgetting that there is also pressure as the organs squeeze against each other, and any weakness in these muscles can cause an internal body part to push through.
The inguinal hernia is the most common type of hernia. This type of hernia occurs when a part of the intestine or bladder protrudes through the inguinal canal which is part of the groin area. This type of hernia is most common in men because they have a weakness around this area.
Inguinal hernias can be repaired using laparoscopic repair. For this, you have to arrange a general surgery with a general surgeon. A general surgeon can also recommend general surgery for other abdomen issues and pain. You can book an appointment for the diagnosis and treatment of abdominal pain with any of the experienced general surgeons on the Circle Health Group website. You can also use the website to find a hospital that provides abdominal pain treatment in your area, including general surgery, or learn more about different abdominal conditions on their treatments page.
Constipation occurs when there is a lot of material in the colon. This can be caused by an inability to use the bathroom when there is too little fluid or fibre in a person’s diet, a sedentary lifestyle, or certain medications. Constipation can also be an indicator of a neurological issue or a physical blockage without any underlying issue. The blockage and accumulation of waste materials can cause a lot of pain in the colon, and a doctor should be seen in such instances.
Ulcers are wounds that do not heal easily. Ulcers in any part of the digestive tract can cause severe pain and be dangerous because of the persistent risk of internal bleeding caused by a rapture. The most common type of ulcer in the digestive tract is peptic ulcers which are caused primarily by Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, lifestyle choices and stress. Peptic ulcers can also be caused by the long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.
There are many causes of abdominal pain, some that resolve over time and some that need medical intervention. It is always best to see a doctor if you have sharp, persistent abdominal pain that does not subside after a few days so they can check to see if there is something serious that you should be concerned about.